Source code for dash.utils

__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013 Artur Barseghyan'
__license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1'
__all__ = ('get_allowed_plugin_uids', 'get_user_plugins', 'get_user_plugin_uids', 'get_widgets', \
           'update_plugin_data', 'sync_plugins', 'get_workspaces', 'build_cells_matrix', \
           'get_or_create_dashboard_settings', 'get_dashboard_settings', 'get_public_dashboard_url')

from six import PY3

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.utils.encoding import force_text

from dash.base import plugin_registry, get_registered_plugin_uids, ensure_autodiscover, get_registered_plugins
from dash.base import plugin_widget_registry, PluginWidgetRegistry, get_layout
from dash.base import BaseDashboardLayout, BaseDashboardPlaceholder
from dash.models import DashboardEntry, DashboardPlugin, DashboardWorkspace, DashboardSettings
from dash.helpers import slugify_workspace, lists_overlap
from dash.exceptions import PluginWidgetOutOfPlaceholderBoundaries
from dash.settings import RESTRICT_PLUGIN_ACCESS, DEBUG

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_ = lambda s: s

[docs]def get_allowed_plugin_uids(user): """ Gets allowed plugins uids for user given. :param django.contrib.auth.models import User: :return list: """ try: queryset_groups = DashboardPlugin._default_manager.filter(groups__in=user.groups.all()).distinct() queryset_users = DashboardPlugin._default_manager.filter(users=user).distinct() queryset = queryset_groups | queryset_users queryset = queryset.only('plugin_uid') return [p.plugin_uid for p in queryset] except Exception as e: if DEBUG: logger.debug(e) return []
[docs]def get_user_plugins(user): """ Gets a list of user plugins in a form if tuple (plugin name, plugin description). If not yet autodiscovered, autodiscovers them. :return list: """ ensure_autodiscover() if not RESTRICT_PLUGIN_ACCESS or getattr(user, 'is_superuser', False): return get_registered_plugins() registered_plugins = [] allowed_plugin_uids = get_allowed_plugin_uids(user) for uid, plugin in plugin_registry._registry.items(): if uid in allowed_plugin_uids: registered_plugins.append((uid, force_text( return registered_plugins
[docs]def get_user_plugin_uids(): """ Gets a list of user plugin uids as a list . If not yet autodiscovered, autodiscovers them. :return list: """ ensure_autodiscover() if not RESTRICT_PLUGIN_ACCESS or getattr(user, 'is_superuser', False): return get_registered_plugin_keys() registered_plugins = [] allowed_plugin_uids = get_allowed_plugin_uids(user) for uid in plugin_registry._registry.items(): if uid in allowed_plugin_uids: registered_plugins.append(uid) return registered_plugins
[docs]def get_widgets(layout, placeholder, user=None, workspace=None, position=None, occupied_cells=[]): """ Gets widgets. In case if in restricted mode (``RESTRICT_PLUGIN_ACCESS`` is set to True), user argument should be provided. Based on it, the list of plugins is returned. Restrictions are bypassed in case if ``RESTRICT_PLUGIN_ACCESS`` is set to False or user given is a superuser. Placeholders are validated already. We don't need to have validation here. :param dash.base.BaseDashLayout layout: Layout object. :param string placeholder_uid: Placeholder uid. :param django.contrib.auth.models.User user: :param string workspace: Workspace slug. :param int position: Plugin position. :param list occupied_cells: List of already occupied cells. :return list: """ # We should get the layout, see loop through its' plugins and see which of those do have rendererrs. Then # we get all the plugins (based on whether they are restricted or not - get the list) and then filter # out those that do not have renderers. ensure_autodiscover() registered_widgets = {} plugin_widget_uids = plugin_widget_registry._registry.keys() if not RESTRICT_PLUGIN_ACCESS or getattr(user, 'is_superuser', False): for uid, plugin in plugin_registry._registry.items(): # We should make sure that there are widgets available for the placeholder. plugin_widget_uid = PluginWidgetRegistry.namify(layout.uid, placeholder.uid, uid) # Get cells occupied by plugin widget. widget_occupied_cells = get_occupied_cells(layout, placeholder, uid, position, check_boundaries=True) if plugin_widget_uid in plugin_widget_uids and widget_occupied_cells is not False and \ not lists_overlap(widget_occupied_cells, occupied_cells): plugin_widget = plugin_widget_registry.get(plugin_widget_uid) kwargs = {'placeholder_uid': placeholder.uid, 'plugin_uid': uid} if workspace: kwargs.update({'workspace': workspace}) if position: kwargs.update({'position': position}) plugin_group = force_text( if not plugin_group in registered_widgets: registered_widgets[plugin_group] = [] if PY3: widget_name = force_text(, encoding='utf-8') else: widget_name = force_text(, encoding='utf-8').encode('utf-8') registered_widgets[plugin_group].append(( uid, '{0} ({1}x{2})'.format(widget_name, plugin_widget.cols, plugin_widget.rows), reverse('dash.add_dashboard_entry', kwargs=kwargs) )) else: allowed_plugin_uids = get_allowed_plugin_uids(user) for uid, plugin in plugin_registry._registry.items(): # We should make sure that there are widgets available for the placeholder and user has access to the # widget desired. plugin_widget_uid = PluginWidgetRegistry.namify(layout.uid, placeholder.uid, uid) # Get cells occupied by plugin widget. widget_occupied_cells = get_occupied_cells(layout, placeholder, uid, position, check_boundaries=True) if uid in allowed_plugin_uids and plugin_widget_uid in plugin_widget_uids and \ widget_occupied_cells is not False and not lists_overlap(widget_occupied_cells, occupied_cells): plugin_widget = plugin_widget_registry.get(plugin_widget_uid) kwargs = {'placeholder_uid': placeholder.uid, 'plugin_uid': uid} if workspace: kwargs.update({'workspace': workspace}) if position: kwargs.update({'position': position}) plugin_group = force_text( if not plugin_group in registered_widgets: registered_widgets[plugin_group] = [] registered_widgets[plugin_group].append( ( uid, '{0} ({1}x{2})'.format(force_text(, plugin_widget.cols, plugin_widget.rows), reverse('dash.add_dashboard_entry', kwargs=kwargs) ) ) return registered_widgets
[docs]def update_plugin_data(): """ Updates the plugin data for all dashboard entries of all users. Rules for update are specified in the plugin itself. """ dashboard_entries = DashboardEntry._default_manager.all() for entry in dashboard_entries: entry.get_plugin().update_plugin_data(entry)
[docs]def sync_plugins(): """ Syncs the registered plugin list with data in ``dash.models.DashboardPlugin``. """ # If not in restricted mode, the quit. if not RESTRICT_PLUGIN_ACCESS: return registered_plugins = set(get_registered_plugin_uids()) synced_plugins = set([p.plugin_uid for p in DashboardPlugin._default_manager.only('plugin_uid')]) non_synced_plugins = registered_plugins - synced_plugins if not non_synced_plugins: return buf = [] for plugin_uid in non_synced_plugins: buf.append(DashboardPlugin(plugin_uid=plugin_uid)) DashboardPlugin._default_manager.bulk_create(buf)
[docs]def get_workspaces(user, layout_uid=None, workspace=None, public=False): """ Gets previous, current, next and and a queryset of all workspaces. :param string workspace: :param django.contrib.auth.models.User: :return dict: """ # We need to show workspaces q_kwargs = {'user': user, 'layout_uid': layout_uid} if public: q_kwargs.update({'is_public': public}) workspaces = list(DashboardWorkspace._default_manager.filter(**q_kwargs).only('id', 'name', 'slug') \ .order_by('position')[:]) next = None previous = None current = None current_not_found = False if workspace: # Slugifying the workspace workspace_slug = slugify_workspace(workspace) num_workspaces = len(workspaces) for index, ws in enumerate(workspaces): if workspace_slug == ws.slug: current = ws if 0 == index: # No previous workspace (previous is default). try: next = workspaces[1] except IndexError: pass elif num_workspaces == index: # No next workspace (next is default). try: previous = workspaces[index - 1] except IndexError: pass else: # Getting previous and next workspaces. try: previous = workspaces[index - 1] except IndexError: pass try: next = workspaces[index + 1] except IndexError: pass if current is None: current_not_found = True else: try: previous = workspaces[-1] except IndexError as e: pass try: next = workspaces[0] except IndexError as e: pass return { 'workspaces': workspaces, 'next_workspace': next, 'previous_workspace': previous, 'current_workspace': current, 'current_workspace_not_found': current_not_found }
def get_occupied_cells(layout, placeholder, plugin_uid, position, check_boundaries=False, fail_silently=True): """ Get cells occupied by the given dashboard entry. :param dash.base.BaseDashboardLayout dashboard_entry: Instance of subclassed ``dash.base.BaseDashboardLayout`` object. :param dash.base.BaseDashboardPlaceholder placeholder: Instance of subclassed ``dash.base.BaseDashboardPlaceholder`` object. :param string plugin_uid: UID of the plugin to check against. :param int position: Position of the plugin to check against. :param bool check_boundaries: If set to True, boundaries of the placeholders are also considered. :param bool fail_silently: If set to True, no exceptions are raised. :return mixed: Returns a list (could be an empty list as well) if all goes well and returns boolean False if out of the placeholder boundaries. """ assert isinstance(layout, BaseDashboardLayout) #assert issubclass(placeholder, BaseDashboardPlaceholder) widget_cls = plugin_widget_registry.get( PluginWidgetRegistry.namify(layout.uid, placeholder.uid, plugin_uid) ) occupied_cells = [] placeholder_max_cell_num = placeholder.cols * placeholder.rows try: position = int(position) except Exception as e: if fail_silently: return False else: raise e if widget_cls: # First check the basic things. if check_boundaries: # Checking if widget isn't touching the boundaries. Checking the widget width. relative_col_num = position % placeholder.cols if 0 == relative_col_num: relative_col_num = placeholder.cols if (relative_col_num + widget_cls.cols - 1) > placeholder.cols: if fail_silently: return False else: raise PluginWidgetOutOfPlaceholderBoundaries("Widget is out of placeholder boundaries.") # Checking if widget isn't touching the boundaries. Checking the widget height. #relative_row_num = position % placeholder.rows #if 0 == relative_row_num: # relative_row_num = placeholder.rows #if (relative_row_num + widget_cls.rows - 1) > placeholder.rows: # if fail_silently: # return False # else: # raise PluginWidgetOutOfPlaceholderBoundaries("Widget is out of placeholder boundaries.") # Now check the collision with other plugin widgets. for row in range(0, widget_cls.rows): for col in range(0, widget_cls.cols): cell_num = position + col + (row * placeholder.cols) if check_boundaries and cell_num > placeholder_max_cell_num: if fail_silently: return False else: raise PluginWidgetOutOfPlaceholderBoundaries("Widget is out of placeholder boundaries.") occupied_cells.append(cell_num) return occupied_cells
[docs]def build_cells_matrix(user, layout, placeholder, workspace=None): """ Builds the cells matrix. :param django.contrib.auth.models.User user: :param string placeholder_uid: :param string workspace: Workspace slug. :return list: List of cells occupied. """ assert isinstance(layout, BaseDashboardLayout) assert issubclass(placeholder, BaseDashboardPlaceholder) # Getting the list of plugins that user is allowed to use. registered_plugins = get_user_plugins(user) user_plugin_uids = [uid for uid, repr in registered_plugins] # Getting the queryset for user and freezing it. dashboard_entries = DashboardEntry._default_manager \ .get_for_user(user=user, layout_uid=layout.uid, workspace=workspace) \ .select_related('workspace', 'user') \ .filter(plugin_uid__in=user_plugin_uids) \ .filter(placeholder_uid=placeholder.uid) \ .order_by('placeholder_uid', 'position')[:] matrix = [] for dashboard_entry in dashboard_entries: occupied_cells = get_occupied_cells(layout, placeholder, dashboard_entry.plugin_uid, dashboard_entry.position) if occupied_cells: matrix += occupied_cells # Now we should calculate how much space each widget occupies. return matrix
[docs]def get_or_create_dashboard_settings(user): """ Gets dashboard settings for the user given. If no settings found, creates default settings. :param django.contrib.auth.models.User: :return dash.models.DashboardSettings: Returns ``dash.models.DashboardSettings`` instance. """ # Check if user trying to edit the dashboard workspace actually owns it. try: dashboard_settings = DashboardSettings._default_manager.select_related('user').get(user=user) except ObjectDoesNotExist as e: layout = get_layout(as_instance=True) dashboard_settings = DashboardSettings() dashboard_settings.layout_uid = layout.uid dashboard_settings.user = user return dashboard_settings
[docs]def get_dashboard_settings(username): """ Gets dashboard settings for the user given. If no settings found, creates default settings. :param string username: :return dash.models.DashboardSettings: Returns ``dash.models.DashboardSettings`` instance. """ # Check if user trying to edit the dashboard workspace actually owns it. try: return DashboardSettings._default_manager.select_related('user').get(user__username=username) except ObjectDoesNotExist as e: pass
[docs]def get_public_dashboard_url(dashboard_settings): """ Gets resolved public dashboard URL (if public dashboard app is installed == present in the global urls module of the project). :param dash.models.DashboardSettings: Instance of `dash.models.DashboardSettings`. :return string: """ if dashboard_settings.is_public: try: # Resolve URL return reverse('dash.public_dashboard', kwargs={'username': dashboard_settings.user.username}) except: # Most likely, the public dashboard is not present pass return ''
def clean_plugin_data(dashboard_entries, request=None): """ Cleans up the plugin data (database, files) for the dashboard_entries given. :param iterable dashboard_entries: :param django.http.HttpRequest request: :return bool: Boolean True if no errors occured and False otherwise. """ errors = False for dashboard_entry in dashboard_entries: plugin = dashboard_entry.get_plugin(request=request) try: plugin.delete_plugin_data() except Exception as e: errors = True logger.debug(str(e)) return not errors
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