Source code for dash.contrib.apps.public_dashboard.views

__all__ = ('public_dashboard',)

from django.http import Http404
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response, redirect
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.contrib import messages

from dash.base import get_layout
from dash.models import DashboardEntry
from dash.utils import get_user_plugins, get_workspaces
from dash.utils import get_dashboard_settings

[docs]def public_dashboard(request, username, workspace=None, template_name='public_dashboard/public_dashboard.html'): """ Public dashboard. :param django.http.HttpRequest: :param string username: :param string workspace: Workspace slug. :param string template_name: :return django.http.HttpResponse: """ # Getting dashboard settings for the user. Then get users' layout. dashboard_settings = get_dashboard_settings(username) if dashboard_settings: layout = get_layout(layout_uid=dashboard_settings.layout_uid, as_instance=True) user = dashboard_settings.user else: raise Http404 # Getting the list of plugins that user is allowed to use. registered_plugins = get_user_plugins(user) user_plugin_uids = [uid for uid, repr in registered_plugins] # A complex query required. All entries shall be taken from default dashboard (no workspace) and # joined with all entries of workspaces set to be public. Getting the (frozen) queryset. if workspace: entries_q = Q( user = user, layout_uid = layout.uid, workspace__slug = workspace, workspace__is_public = True, plugin_uid__in = user_plugin_uids ) else: entries_q = Q(user=user, layout_uid=layout.uid, workspace=None) dashboard_entries = DashboardEntry._default_manager \ .filter(entries_q) \ .select_related('workspace', 'user') \ .order_by('placeholder_uid', 'position')[:] placeholders = layout.get_placeholder_instances(dashboard_entries, request=request) layout.collect_widget_media(dashboard_entries) context = { 'placeholders': placeholders, 'css': layout.get_css(placeholders), 'layout': layout, 'user': user, 'master_template': layout.get_view_template_name(request), 'dashboard_settings': dashboard_settings } workspaces = get_workspaces(user, layout.uid, workspace, public=True) # If workspace with slug given is not found in the list of workspaces # redirect to the default dashboard. if workspaces['current_workspace_not_found']: request, _('The workspace with slug "{0}" does not exist.').format(workspace) ) return redirect('dash.public_dashboard', username=username) context.update(workspaces) return render_to_response(template_name, context, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
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