Source code for dash.decorators

__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013 Artur Barseghyan'
__license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1'
__all__ = ('SATISFY_ANY', 'SATISFY_ALL', 'DEFAULT_SATISFY', 'permissions_required', 'all_permissions_required', \
           'any_permission_required', 'edit_dashboard_permission_required')


from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test

[docs]def permissions_required(perms, satisfy=DEFAULT_SATISFY, login_url=None, raise_exception=False): """ Checks for the permissions given based on the strategy chosen. :param iterable perms: :param string satisfy: Allowed values are "all" and "any". :param string login_url: :param bool raise_exception: If set to True, the ``PermissionDenied`` exception is raised on failures. :return bool: :example: >>> @login_required >>> @permissions_required(satisfy='any', perms=[ >>> 'dash.add_dashboardentry', 'dash.change_dashboardentry', 'dash.delete_dashboardentry', >>> 'dash.add_dashboardworkspace', 'dash.change_dashboardworkspace', 'dash.delete_dashboardworkspace', >>> 'dash.add_dashboardsettings', 'dash.change_dashboardsettings', 'dash.delete_dashboardsettings', >>> ]) >>> def edit_dashboard(request): >>> # your code """ assert satisfy in (SATISFY_ANY, SATISFY_ALL) if SATISFY_ALL == satisfy: # ``SATISFY_ALL`` case def check_perms(user): # First check if the user has the permission (even anon users) if user.has_perms(perms): return True # In case the 403 handler should be called raise the exception if raise_exception: raise PermissionDenied # As the last resort, show the login form return False else: # ``SATISFY_ANY`` case def check_perms(user): # First check if the user has the permission (even anon users) for perm in perms: if user.has_perm(perm): return True # In case the 403 handler should be called raise the exception if raise_exception: raise PermissionDenied # As the last resort, show the login form return False return user_passes_test(check_perms, login_url=login_url)
[docs]def all_permissions_required(perms, login_url=None, raise_exception=False): """ :example: >>> @login_required >>> @all_permissions_required([ >>> 'dash.add_dashboardentry', 'dash.change_dashboardentry', 'dash.delete_dashboardentry', >>> 'dash.add_dashboardworkspace', 'dash.change_dashboardworkspace', 'dash.delete_dashboardworkspace', >>> 'dash.add_dashboardsettings', 'dash.change_dashboardsettings', 'dash.delete_dashboardsettings', >>> ]) >>> def edit_dashboard(request): >>> # your code """ return permissions_required(perms, satisfy=SATISFY_ALL, login_url=login_url, raise_exception=raise_exception)
[docs]def any_permission_required(perms, login_url=None, raise_exception=False): """ :example: >>> @login_required >>> @any_permission_required([ >>> 'dash.add_dashboardentry', 'dash.change_dashboardentry', 'dash.delete_dashboardentry', >>> 'dash.add_dashboardworkspace', 'dash.change_dashboardworkspace', 'dash.delete_dashboardworkspace', >>> 'dash.add_dashboardsettings', 'dash.change_dashboardsettings', 'dash.delete_dashboardsettings', >>> ]) >>> def edit_dashboard(request): >>> # your code """ return permissions_required(perms, satisfy=SATISFY_ANY, login_url=login_url, raise_exception=raise_exception)
[docs]def edit_dashboard_permission_required(login_url=None, raise_exception=False): """ Checks if user has permissions to edit dashboard. Simply, check is successfull if any of the following permission checks are satisfied: - Can add dashboard entry - Can change dashboard entry - Can delete dashboard entry - Can add dashboard workspace - Can change dashboard workspace - Can delete dashboard workspace - Can add dashboard settings - Can change dashboard settings - Can delete dashboard settings :example: >>> @login_required >>> @edit_dashboard_permission_required() # Do not forget the brackets! >>> def edit_dashboard(request): >>> # your code """ return permissions_required( perms = [ 'dash.add_dashboardentry', 'dash.change_dashboardentry', 'dash.delete_dashboardentry', 'dash.add_dashboardworkspace', 'dash.change_dashboardworkspace', 'dash.delete_dashboardworkspace', 'dash.add_dashboardsettings', 'dash.change_dashboardsettings', 'dash.delete_dashboardsettings', ], satisfy = SATISFY_ANY, login_url = login_url, raise_exception = raise_exception )
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