Source code for dash.fields

from django.db import models

[docs]class OrderField(models.IntegerField): """ @author @source OrderField for models from and updated to use a django aggregation function. This field sets a default value as an auto-increment of the maximum value of the field +1. Ignores the incoming value and instead gets the maximum plus one of the field. This works really well in combination with "sortable_list.js". There are several things you should know: * order field shall be null=True, blank=True * order field shall not be unique If above mentioned is True, you can use jQuery drag-n-drop widget in your Django-admin. See the following example: class Media: # This belongs to your Admin class (admin.ModelAdmin) js = [ '/media/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js', '/media/js/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.min.js', '/media/js/sortable_list.js' ] """
[docs] def pre_save(self, model_instance, value): # if the model is new and not an update if is None: records = model_instance.__class__.objects.aggregate(models.Max( if records: # get the maximum attribute from the first record and add 1 to it try: value = records['{0}__max'.format(] + 1 except TypeError as e: value = 1 else: value = 1 # otherwise the model is updating, pass the attribute value through else: value = getattr(model_instance, self.attname) return value # prevent the field from being displayed in the admin interface
[docs] def formfield_(self, **kwargs): return None # For south
try: from south.modelsinspector import add_introspection_rules rules = [ ( (OrderField,), [], {}, # takes widget only, which is standard ), ] add_introspection_rules(rules, ["^dash\.fields",]) except: pass
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