Source code for dash.models

__all__ = ('DashboardSettings', 'DashboardWorkspace', 'DashboardEntry', 'DashboardPlugin')

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group

from autoslug import AutoSlugField

from dash.base import plugin_registry, get_registered_plugins, get_registered_layouts
from dash.helpers import slugify_workspace
from dash.fields import OrderField

[docs]class DashboardSettings(models.Model): """ Dashboard settings. :Properties: - `user` (django.contrib.auth.models.User: User owning the plugin. - `layout_uid` (str): Users' preferred layout. - `title` (str): Dashboard title. - `is_public` (bool): If set to True, available as public (read-only mode). """ user = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_("User"), unique=True) layout_uid = models.CharField(_("Layout"), max_length=25, choices=get_registered_layouts()) title = models.CharField(_("Title"), max_length=255) is_public = models.BooleanField(_("Is public?"), default=False, \ help_text=_("Makes your dashboard to be visible to the public. Visibility " "of workspaces could be adjust separately for each workspace, " "however setting your dashboard to be visible to public, makes " "your default workspace visible to public too."))
[docs]class DashboardWorkspace(models.Model): """ Dashboard workspace. :Properties: - `user` (django.contrib.auth.models.User: User owning the plugin. - `layout_uid` (str): Layout to which the entry belongs to. - `name` (str): Dashboard name. - `slug` (str): Dashboard slug. - `position` (int): Dashboard position. """ user = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_("User")) layout_uid = models.CharField(_("Layout"), max_length=25, choices=get_registered_layouts()) name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=255) slug = AutoSlugField(populate_from='name', verbose_name=_("Slug"), unique=True, slugify=slugify_workspace) position = OrderField(_("Position"), null=True, blank=True) is_public = models.BooleanField(_("Is public?"), default=False, \ help_text=_("Makes your workspace to be visible to the public.")) class Meta: verbose_name = _("Dashboard workspace") verbose_name_plural = _("Dashboard workspaces") unique_together = (('user', 'slug'), ('user', 'name'),) def __unicode__(self): return
[docs] def get_entries(self, user): """ Gets all dashboard entries for user given. :param django.contrib.auth.models.User user: :return iterable: """ return DashboardEntry._default_manager.get_for_workspace( user = self.user, layout_uid = self.layout_uid, workspace = self.slug )
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """ Absolute URL, which goes to the dashboard workspace page. :return string: """ return reverse('dash.dashboard', kwargs={'workspace': self.slug})
class DashboardEntryManager(models.Manager): """ Manager for ``dash.models.DashboardEntry``. """ def get_for_user(self, user, layout_uid, workspace=None): """ Gets all dashboard entries for user given. :param django.contrib.auth.models.User user: :param string layout_uid: :param string workspace: Workspace slug (``dash.models.DashboardWorkspace``). :return iterable: """ #layout return self.filter(user=user, layout_uid=layout_uid, workspace__slug=workspace)
[docs]class DashboardEntry(models.Model): """ Dashboard entry (widget). Since workspace can be nullable (default), we duplicate the `layout_uid`. :Properties: - `user` (django.contrib.auth.models.User: User owning the plugin. - `workspace` (dash.models.DashboardWorkspace): Workspace to which the plugin belongs to. If left blank, entry belongs to default workspace. - `layout_uid` (str): Layout to which the entry belongs to. - `placeholder_uid` (str): Placeholder to which the entry belongs to. - `plugin_uid` (str): Plugin name. - `plugin_data` (str): JSON formatted string with plugin data. - `position` (int): Entry position. """ user = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_("User")) workspace = models.ForeignKey(DashboardWorkspace, verbose_name=_("Workspace"), null=True, blank=True) layout_uid = models.CharField(_("Layout"), max_length=25, choices=get_registered_layouts()) placeholder_uid = models.CharField(_("Placeholder"), max_length=255) plugin_uid = models.CharField(_("Plugin name"), max_length=255, choices=get_registered_plugins()) plugin_data = models.TextField(verbose_name=_("Plugin data"), null=True, blank=True) position = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Position"), null=True, blank=True) objects = DashboardEntryManager() class Meta: verbose_name = _("Dashboard entry") verbose_name_plural = _("Dashboard entries") def __unicode__(self): return "{0} plugin for user {1}".format(self.plugin_uid, self.user)
[docs] def get_plugin(self, fetch_related_data=False, request=None): """ Gets the plugin class (by ``plugin_name`` property), makes an instance of it, serves the data stored in ``plugin_data`` field (if available). Once all is done, plugin is ready to be rendered. :param bool fetch_related_data: When set to True, plugin is told to re-fetch all related data (stored in models or other sources). :return dash.base.DashboardPlugin: Subclass of ``dash.base.DashboardPlugin``. """ # Getting plugin from registry. cls = plugin_registry.get(self.plugin_uid) # Creating plugin instance. plugin = cls( self.layout_uid, self.placeholder_uid, workspace = self.workspace, user = self.user, position = self.position ) # So that plugin has the request object plugin.request = request return plugin.process(self.plugin_data, fetch_related_data=fetch_related_data)
[docs] def plugin_uid_code(self): """ Mainly used in admin. """ # TODO - shall be showing the dimensions. return self.plugin_uid
plugin_uid_code.allow_tags = True plugin_uid_code.short_description = _('UID')
class DashboardPluginManager(models.Manager): """ Manager for ``dash.models.DashboardPlugin``. """
[docs]class DashboardPlugin(models.Model): """ Dashboard plugin. Used when ``dash.settings.RESTRICT_PLUGIN_ACCESS`` is set to True. :Properties: - `plugin_uid` (str): Plugin UID. - `users` (django.contrib.auth.models.User): White list of the users allowed to use the dashboard plugin. - `groups` (django.contrib.auth.models.Group): White list of the user groups allowed to use the dashboard plugin. """ plugin_uid = models.CharField(_("Plugin UID"), max_length=255, choices=get_registered_plugins(), \ unique=True, editable=False) users = models.ManyToManyField(User, verbose_name=_("User"), null=True, blank=True) groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group, verbose_name=_("Group"), null=True, blank=True) objects = DashboardPluginManager() class Meta: verbose_name = _("Dashboard plugin") verbose_name_plural = _("Dashboard plugins")
[docs] def plugin_uid_code(self): """ Mainly used in admin. """ # TODO - shall be showing the dimensions. return self.plugin_uid
plugin_uid_code.allow_tags = True plugin_uid_code.short_description = _('UID')
[docs] def plugin_uid_admin(self): """ Mainly used in admin. """ # TODO - shall be showing the dimensions. return "{0} ({1})".format(dict(get_registered_plugins()).get(self.plugin_uid, ''), self.plugin_uid)
plugin_uid_admin.allow_tags = True plugin_uid_admin.short_description = _('Plugin')
[docs] def groups_list(self): """ Flat list (comma separated string) of groups allowed to use the dashboard plugin. Used in Django admin. :return string: """ return ', '.join([ for g in self.groups.all()])
groups_list.allow_tags = True groups_list.short_description = _('Groups')
[docs] def users_list(self): """ Flat list (comma separated string) of users allowed to use the dashboard plugin. Used in Django admin. :return string: """ return ', '.join([u.username for u in self.users.all()])
users_list.allow_tags = True users_list.short_description = _('Users')
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