Quick start

Tutorial for very quick start with django-dash.

Standard Django installation

Example project code available here.

Installation and configuration

Install the package in your environment

pip install django-dash


Add dash core and the plugins to the INSTALLED_APPS of the your settings module.

  1. The core.

  2. Layouts. Android layout is the default layout. If you have chosen a different layout, update the value of DASH_ACTIVE_LAYOUT accordingly.


    In dash users can choose which layout (from the list of available ones) do they want to use as a default. All available layouts shall be listed in settings as well.

  3. The plugins. Plugins are like blocks. You are recommended to have them all installed. Note, that the following plugins do not have additional dependencies, while some others (like news would require additional packages to be installed. If so, make sure to have installed and configured those dependencies prior adding the dependant add-ons to the settings module.

    'easy_thumbnails',  # Required by `image` plugin

    Putting all together, you would have something like this.

        # ...
        # Core
        # Layouts
        # Form field plugins
        'easy_thumbnails',  # Required by `image` plugin
        # ...


Add django.core.context_processors.request to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS of your settings module.

    # ...
    # ...


Add the following line to urlpatterns of your urls module.

urlpatterns = [
    # ...

    # django-dash URLs:
    url(r'^dashboard/', include('dash.urls')),

    # django-dash RSS contrib plugin URLs:

    # django-dash News contrib plugin URLs:
    #url(r'^news/', include('news.urls')),

    # django-dash public dashboards contrib app:

    # Admin URLs
    url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),

    # ...

Update the database

  1. First you should be syncing/migrating the database. Depending on your Django version and migration app, this step may vary. Typically as follows:

    ./manage.py syncdb
    ./manage.py migrate
  2. Sync installed dash plugins. Go to terminal and type the following command.

    ./manage.py dash_sync_plugins

Specify the active layout

Specify the active/default layout in your settings module.



dash has been built with permissions in mind. Every single plugin is permission based. If user hasn’t been given permission to work with a plugin, he won’t be. If you want to switch the permission checks off, set the value of DASH_RESTRICT_PLUGIN_ACCESS to False in your settings module.


Otherwise, after having completed all the steps above, do log into the Django administration and assign the permissions (to certain user or a group) for every single form element or form handler plugin. Bulk assignments work as well.

Also, make sure to have the Django model permissions set for following models: